Rustic railing - Graceful cast iron fencing and lighting

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Rustic railing

The iron casting is available also within short terms, when made in small series. The weldable grey cast iron can be combined with black steel with the result of stable filling fitted in continuous straps, combined for example with a quality wooden handle, to create a high-quality and luxurious rustic railing. Delivery and installation is available. Like in the case of railing, it is possible to choose a surface coating with powder coat, synthetic, polyurethane or   epoxy paint in RAL colours. We also provide patination and Ni/Cr galvanizing or hot-dip galvanizing.

Prices of particular fillings, delivery dates and
installation Prices and dates are on request.
We calculate all orders individually according
to their size and variation.

- Piece and small-lot production.
- Technology of manual molding into sand molds.
- The maximum weight of casting up to 80 kg
  Material: ČSN 42 2420, GG20, GJL 200

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